Identity & Federation
- Explicit DENY overrides ALLOW
- When you assume a role, you give up your original permissions and take the permissions assigned to the role.
- AssumeRole with ExternalID
Identity Federation
- Amazon SSO is the new managed and simpler way to replace SAML 2.0 Federation.
- Use Custom Identify Broker Application only if identity provider is not compatible with with SAML 2.0.
- Web Identity Federation - Not recommended by AWS - use Cognito instead.
AWS Directory Services
- AWS Managed Microsoft AD (Users are created in on-prem AD and AWS managed AD)
- AD Connector (Proxy - all users are still managed in on-prem AD)
- Simple AD (All users managed in AWS)
- CloudWatch Events
- CloudTrail Delivery in CloudWatch Logs
- CloudTrail Delivery in S3
SSL Encryption, SNI & MITM
- SNI solves the problem of loading multiple SSL certificates onto one web server
- Only works for ALB & NLB and CloudFront
- Route53 supports DNSSEC for DNS service
- ACM is a regional service
- AWS provisions encryption hardware, dedicated hardware
- You manage your own encryption keys entirely, not AWS
Compute & Load Balancing
AWS Lambda
- $Latest version is mutable
- Published version is immutable and all versions can be invoked differently
- Alias is mutable and can be used as Canary deployment
Elastic Load Balancer
- NLB has one static IP per AZ, and supports assigning Elastic IP
- NLB works with VPC endpoint/PrivateLink
- ALB can have Lambda as target group, NLB can’t
- ALB cross-zone load balancing is always enabled with no additional charges
- NLB cross-zone load balancing is disabled by default
- Stickiness doesn’t work for NLB
API Gateway
- API gateway has a 10MB payload size limit
- API gateway has a 28 seconds timeout maximum
Route 53
- A: hostname to IPv4
- AAA: hostname to IPv6
- CNAME: hostname to hostname
- Alias: hostname to AWS resource
- Route 53 health checks can monitor CW alarms and integrate with CW metrics
EBS & Local Instance Store
- gp2: 3 IOPS/GiB, minimum 100 IOPS, burst to 3000 IOPS, max 16000 IOPS
- io1: Min 100 IOPS, Max 64000 IOPS (Nitro) or 32000
- st1: Throughput Optimised HDD, 500 GiB - 16 TiB, 500 MiB/s throughput
- sc1: Cold HDD, Infrequently accessed data, 250 GiB - 16 TiB, 250 MiB/s throughput
- RAID Configurations: 0, write to either volume. 1, write to both volume.
- At least 3500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE and 5500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefix in a bucket
- Signed URL = access to individual files
- Signed Cookies = access to multiple files
- Cache based on:
- Headers
- Session Cookies
- Query String Parameters
- Cache lives at each CloudFront Edge Location
Redis vs Memcached
- Redis:
- Multi AZ with Auto-Failover
- Read Replicas to scale reads and have high availability
- Persistent, Data Durability, Read Only File Feature, backup and restore features
- Memcached:
- Multi-node for partitioning of data (sharding)
- Non persistent
- No backup and restore
- Multi-threaded architecture
- Maximum size of an item is 400KB
- LSI - Local Secondary Index
- Keep the same primary key
- Select an alternative sort key
- Must be defined at table creation time
- GSI - Global Secondary Index
- Change the primary key and optional sort key
- Can be defined after the table is created
- Global Aurora Database - recommended
- 1 Primary Region
- Up to 5 secondary regions, replication lag is less than 1 second
- Up to 16 read replicas per secondary region
- Helps of decreasing latency
- Promoting another region (for disaster recovery) has an RTO of < 1 minute\
- Aurora Multi-Master
- Immediate failover
- Every node dose RW
- RDS Multi-Region Failover
Service Communication
Step Functions - Tasks
- Lambda Tasks
- Lambda function
- Activity Tasks
- Activity worker (HTTP), EC2 Instances, mobile device, on premise DC
- They poll the Step functions service
- Service Tasks:
- Connected to a supported AWS service
- Lambda function, ECS task, Fargate, DynamoDB, Batch job, SNS & SQS
- Wait Task:
- To wait for a duration or util a timestamp
SWF - Simple Workflow Service
- Step functions is recommended to be used for new applications, except:
- if external signals to intervene in the processes is needed
- if child processes that return values to parent processes is needed
- If Amazon Mechanical Turk is needed
- Message size of max 256KB (use metadata in S3 for large messages)
- Messages can be processed twice by consumer (in case of failure, timeouts, etc). Idempotency at the consumer level is very important.
- Set the queue visibility timeout to 6 times the timeout of your lambda function
Data Engineering
Kinesis Data Streams
- Kinesis Streams: low latency streaming ingest at scale
- Multiple applications can consume the same stream (pub-sub model)
- Real-time processing with scale of throughput
- Once data is inserted in Kinesis, it can’t be deleted, will stay there until the data retention period is gone.
- Producer:
- 1mb/s or 1000 messages/s at write PER SHARD, otherwise “ProvisionedThroughputException” (add shards)
- Consumer Classic:
- 2mb/s at read PER SHARD across all consumers
- 5 API calls per second PER SHARD across all consumers
- Consumer Enhanced Fan-Out:
- No API calls needed (push model)
- Data Retention:
- 24 hours by default and can be extended to 7 days
Kinesis Analytics
- Kinesis Analytics: perform real-time analytics on streams using SQL
Kinesis Firehose
- Serverless, auto-scaling service - near real time (Because of the firehose buffer)
- Kinesis Firehose: load streams into S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch & Splunk
- Destinations:
- AWS destinations:
- S3
- Redshift (Copy through S3)
- Elastic Search
- 3rd Party Destinations:
- Splunk
- New Relic
- etc.
- Custom Destinations:
- HTTP endpoint
- AWS destinations:
- Source records && failed records can be sent to S3 as well
- Leader node: for query planning, results aggregation
- Compute node: for performing the queries, send results to leader
- CloudWatch Logs Agent
- Old version of the agent
- Can only send to CloudWatch Logs
- CloudWatch Unified Agent
- Collect additional system-level metrics such as RAM, processes, etc…
- Collect logs to send to CW logs
- Centralised configurations using SSM Parameter Store
- Both agents cannot send logs to Kinesis (have to use KCL)
- DeletionPolicy
- Retain: Specify on resources to preserve/backup in case of CFN deletes
- Snapshot: Create a Snapshot before CFN deletes
- Delete(Default)
- RDS:DBCluster resources default policy is Snapshot
- Delete an s3 bucket you need to first empty the bucket of its content
- CloudFormer: generate CFN from existing resources
- For chef/puppet stacks only
- Can manage ELB and EC2 instances
- Cannot manage an ASG
System Manager
- SSM Patch Manager:
- Define a patch baseline
- Define patch group
- Define Maintenance Windows
- Add the AWS-RunPatchBaseline Run Command - works for Linux and Windows
- Define Rate Control
- Monitor Patch Compliance using SSM Inventory
Cost Control
Trusted Advisor
- Can check if an S3 bucket is made to public
- but cannot check for S3 objects that are public inside of your bucket
- Use CloudWatch Events/S3 Events instead
- Service Limits
- Limits can only be monitored in Trusted Advisor (cannot be changed)
- Cases have to be created manually in AWS Support Centre to increase limits
EC2 Instance Launch Types
- On Demand
- Spot Instances
- Reserved (MINIMUM 1 year)
- Dedicated Instances: no other customers will share your hardware
- Dedicated Hosts: book an entire physical server, control instance placement
- Great for software licenses that operate at the core, or socket level
- Can define host affinity so that instance reboots are kept on the same host
Storage Gateway
- Bridge between on-premise data and cloud data in S3
- File Gateway
- appliance is a virtual machine to bridge between your NFS and S3
- configured S3 buckets are accessible using the NFS and SMB protocol
- Most recently used data is cached in the file gateway
- Can be mounted on many servers
- Volume Gateway
- Block storage using iSCSI protocol backed by S3
- Cached volumes: low latency access to most recent data, full data on S3
- Stored volumes: entire dataset in on premise, scheduled backups to S3
- Can create EBS snapshots from the volumes and restore as EBS
- Tape Gateway
- You can’t access single file within tapes, the entire tape need to be restored
VPC Peering
- Overlapping CIDR for IPv4 is not allowed
- No Transitive VPC Peering
- No Edge to Edge Routing
VPC Endpoint Gateway
- Only works for S3 and DynamoDB, must create one gateway per VPC
- Must update route table entries
- Gateway is defined at the VPC level
- DNS resolution must be enabled in the VPC
VPC Endpoint Interface
- Provision an ENI that will have a private endpoint interface hostname
- Leverage Security Groups for security
- Private DNS
- Interface can be accessed from Direct Connect and Site-to-Site VPN
VPC Endpoint Services (PrivateLink)
- ENI with NLB, which can be used to connect VPC outside of the account
Site to Site VPN
- On-premise:
- Setup a software or hardware VPN appliance to your on-premise network
- The on-premise VPN should be accessible using a public IP
- AWS:
- Setup a Virtual Private Gateway and attach to your VPC
- Setup a Customer Gateway to point the on-premise VPN appliance
- Two VPN connections are created for redundancy, encrypted using IPSec
AWS VPN CloudHub
- Can connect up to 10 Customer Gateway for each Virtual Private Gateway
- Low cost hub-and-spoke model for primary or secondary network connectivity between locations
- Provide secure communication between sites
- It’s a VPN connection so it goes over the public internet
- Can be a failover connection between your on-premise locations
Direct Connect
- Not something can be done immediately
- Provides a dedicate private connection from a remote network to the VPC
- Dedicated connection must be setup between your DC and AWS Direct Connect locations
- More expensive than running a VPN solution
- Bypass ISP, reduce network cost, increate bandwidth and stability
- Not redundant by default (must setup a failover DX or VPN)
- Data in transit is not encrypted but is private
Direct Connect VIF
- VIF = Virtual Interface
- Public VIF: Connect to Public AWS Endpoints
- Private VIF: TO connect to resources in your VPC
- VPC endpoints cannot be accessed through Private VIF
Direct Connect Gateways
- Direct Connect to one or more VPC in many different regions must use a Direct Connect Gateway